10 Ways to Beat The Winter Blues

Woman pulling a sled in a winter scene with mountains background

Every year as the amount of daylight dwindles you may feel a shift in your personality.  This is most often referred to as the “Winter Blues” or in the more serious form, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  SAD is defined by the Mayo Clinic as “a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons… sapping … Read more

9 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

9 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

While we are finally getting more and more sun each day, this time of the year just tends to be TOUGH for people, especially if winter and/or cold isn’t your thing. Team Member, Valerie, and I (Amelia) collaborated to to line up some quick and easy tips for making the most of it (and *gasp* … Read more

Staying Connected to Nature in the Winter

Children use binoculars to look under a rock.

As so many of us are experiencing cold and darkness this time of year, the motivation to spend ample time outside just might not be there some days. If big outdoor exploration or adventure is happening less than usual for your family some days (or weeks) this winter, we want to help you stay connected … Read more

Family Winter Play After Dark

A swingset in a snowy backyard at night it lit up with lights

Getting outside at night offers a sense of calm after a busy day with the kiddos. Family winter play after dark can help calm some of the busiest bodies. The dark sky, the quiet street, the freshly fallen snow and the crisp night make for a relaxing breath of fresh air and some time to … Read more

Urban Winter Adventures

I grew up at a year round camp in northern Michigan. It was a pretty idyllic setup for an outdoor loving kid. Whenever campers were around, there were activities to be a part of, gear to rent, and people to supervise.  I took full advantage of that: pond hockey, winter tubing, fishing, swimming, canoeing, archery, … Read more

Winter Unit Study

Child measuring snow depth.

It’s fun to take a break from regular schooling every once in a while. If you are homeschooling, this can be the occasional period where you toss out the curriculum and do a unit study. If you always do unit studies, then here’s another one to throw in the mix. If you don’t homeschool but … Read more