Staying Connected to Nature in the Winter

Children use binoculars to look under a rock.

As so many of us are experiencing cold and darkness this time of year, the motivation to spend ample time outside just might not be there some days. If big outdoor exploration or adventure is happening less than usual for your family some days (or weeks) this winter, we want to help you stay connected … Read more

Teaching Kids Outdoor Fire Safety

Whether your family is enjoying campfires or living with wildfires, outdoor fire season is in full force.  So many of us probably carry either memories or imagery in our minds of the idyllic childhood camping trip, and a lot of it includes campfires. Who doesn’t want to cozy up with their kids around the fire … Read more

10 DIY Backyard Nature Play Ideas

Children smile on the back porch.

As the weather warms up and we start to think about all the epic adventures we plan to take our kids on, let’s give them tons of opportunities for nature exploration right in our own backyards too! Oftentimes, playing outside at home tends toward toys and movement games, while nature play is saved for hikes, … Read more

13 Ways to Help Kids Sleep While Camping

The number one question we get about camping as a family is how to get babies and kids to sleep. Parents of young children are usually sleep deprived to some degree even at home, so thinking about adding extra challenges to getting sleep can be a huge barrier to overcome to get out and camp … Read more

How to Adventure Without the Kids

A couple standing together on a mountaintop adventuring without kids

At Tales of a Mountain Mama we are all about helping more families get outside together. We love providing you with information and inspiration for family adventuring, and we want to make sure the adults are covered too. When adults get outside for some kid-free adventuring on any level, we are taking a break from … Read more

Mexico City with Kids

My family at a fountain in the historic center of Mexico City.

If you are thinking about a visit to Mexico with your outdoorsy family, Mexico City with kids may not come to mind right away. How could one of the biggest cities in the world have anything to offer for adventurous, outdoor-loving families? While an outdoorsy family may shoot for discovering the natural beauty and adventure … Read more