Staying Connected to Nature in the Winter

Children use binoculars to look under a rock.

As so many of us are experiencing cold and darkness this time of year, the motivation to spend ample time outside just might not be there some days. If big outdoor exploration or adventure is happening less than usual for your family some days (or weeks) this winter, we want to help you stay connected … Read more

Babywearing While Pregnant

Pregnant woman babywearing toddler

Babywearing has always been an essential part of my mothering experience. As a busy, active mama, it has allowed me to keep my little ones close, while still being able to go on adventures, hike, run errands, and get things done around our house and homestead. When I found out I was pregnant with my … Read more

Town Hall Outdoor Gear Review

Town Hall has quickly become a trustworthy brand for kids (and some adult) winter gear, perfect for skiing, winter play, and winter layering. After testing it ourselves for the past two years we can safely say we highly recommend the brand and look forward to it gaining even more momentum in the outdoor space over … Read more

Family Bike Storage Solutions

Over the years our number of bikes have continued to grow and it seems like the proper number of bikes is always n+1. We have a family of four and more than 2 bikes per person. And with all those bikes, we have tried a number of bike storage solutions, here are some of our … Read more

How to Organize Outdoor Gear

Having all your gear perfectly organized is the thing of dreams. And although I try my best, we still go through bouts where we get unorganized. And it seems like the only way to fix it would be a week of only me in the house to put it back in order (which obviously will … Read more