Help your family get started camping
Camping can be incredibly daunting, especially when you’re first starting out. In an effort to help, we have gathered all our best camping-related resources in one place so you can spend less time researching and more time with your family.
When you sign up for this course you will receive five days of emails right to your inbox packed with information. These are emails you can save and refer back to as needed.
How to get everyone to sleep well while camping
Sleeping is THE hardest part of camping, but it isn’t impossible. The course will teach you which sleeping bags and pads we recommend, which family tents we love and tips and tricks to just get kids to SLEEP.
We also teach you were to find campsites and help you find the perfect one for your family.
What to eat while camping
The second hardest part of camping is the food – what to bring, how to prepare it and how to pack it for safe transport. We’ve got you covered in the course including links to our very own camping cookbook with healthy meals for families and our FREE 3-day camping meal plan.
Camping safety tips and tricks
Camping, like all outdoor recreation, does come with some inherent risks. We cover how to manage family safety while camping plus what you need in a first aid kit and how to make your own.
How to have fun while camping
Camping is a great time to unplug and connect as a family, but having some tricks up your sleeve to keep everyone entertained (besides the rocks and sticks) is helpful. We cover our favorite games and ways to add fun to the campsite too.
Join us now for this FREE course!
Family Camping Email Course
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