Town Hall Outdoor Gear Review

Town Hall has quickly become a trustworthy brand for kids (and some adult) winter gear, perfect for skiing, winter play, and winter layering. After testing it ourselves for the past two years we can safely say we highly recommend the brand and look forward to it gaining even more momentum in the outdoor space over … Read more

Best Winter Boots for Kids 2024

Best Winter Boots for Kids

Over the past 12 years we have had SO many kid boots come through this house. Some have been fantastic at keeping our kids’ warm during a cold winter and others have been ones we just didn’t keep around. Winter boots for kids’ feet are a big thing – they are sometimes the difference between … Read more

Fun Toys for Camping 2024

You figured out your camping gear, used our camping meal plan to plan your food and feel generally really ready to tackle your camping trip. Except you just realized you have no idea what the kids are going to DO the whole time. Rest assured that many a camping kid has been fully entertained by … Read more

Family Camping Email Course

Family Camping FREE Online Course

Help your family get started camping Camping can be incredibly daunting, especially when you’re first starting out. In an effort to help, we have gathered all our best camping-related resources in one place so you can spend less time researching and more time with your family. When you sign up for this course you will … Read more

Family Camping Meal Plan

Family camping meal plan featured freebie

Without a doubt, the most stressful part of camping for me is the meal planning and grocery shopping. This is especially true if we are camping for more than just the weekend. Whether you choose to follow our meal plans to a T, or pick and choose meals that work for you, we know that these plans will save you so much time and hassle.