Reconnecting with the Spirit of Adventure

These (Ann’s) finger tips have been quiet at the keyboard for months. When life’s challenges and questions raise their red flags of battle, my personal M.O. is silence. This silence fuels discernment. The saying “When it rains, it pours,” sure stands true. I’d like to reply to this saying, however, that when it rains and … Read more

New Stickers!!! Want one?

New Stickers!!! Want one?

Yes, we would LOVE to have you help us spread the word about Tales of a Mountain Mama!   We simply ask the following: Send us a self addressed, stamped envelope to the address below Please include a $1 donation to cover the sticker(s) Let us know how many you would like (happy to send … Read more

Skirts and Dresses for an Outdoor Life

I am one of those gals that will wear skirts (and dresses) almost daily if I can.  As long as I can walk, bike, and play in them, I prefer them to more restrictive pants or capris.  These are my favorite skirts and dresses that enhance my outdoor lifestyle in all seasons. I hope this … Read more

Live Like Karen

Live Like Karen

This past week and a half has been tough and heartbreaking for us.  Our friend Karen lost her life at the very end of a week-long mission trip to Nicaragua to a senseless act of murder.  The emotions have been coming in waves and, at times, have caught me completely off guard.  I can only speak … Read more

The Failure of an Indoor Mom

Before I became a mom for the first time, I knew exactly what I wanted my motherhood and family to look like.  I was patient, loving, full of energy and convinced I would never become one of “those parents”.  I didn’t understand why people ever yelled at their kids or lost their patience, why some … Read more