It’s here! Our annual guide for our favorite outdoor clothing for women. These are what I wear and love. I have very little in my closet that can’t be worn while hiking, and some can be worn for hiking AND church too. The clothing below can be worn hiking and really on any outdoor adventure.
High quality outdoor gear for women isn’t always cheap, but you can plan on it lasting a very long time. Want more tips on finding affordable outdoor gear? Check out this post with our best tricks.
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Best hiking shirts for women
Finding the best hiking shirt for women can be harder than it should. You want something that wicks well, breathes well and fits under a pack well. These are my favorites.
Stio Women’s Divide V-Neck
This short sleeve active shirt is great for running, hiking or just wearing around town. Available in 6 different colors.
Flylow Aster Shirt
So, usually I really really stay away from button up shirts like this becuase they don’t work for my shoulders or arms. However, I sized up in the Aster and it is my absolute favorite. It has great stretch, is light and airy, has good length that works for biking and just looks cute on too.
Smartwool Merino Sport 150
I’m a huge fan of merino for hiking and outdoor adventures. It wicks great, doesn’t stink, can be worn again and again and has natural UPF properties. I love this merino wool hiking shirt because it is pretty basic, but does have a cute graphic.
Best adventure skirts for summer
Prana Cozy Up Midi Skirt
So this may not be ideal for the hottest of days, but it’s still very cozy and great for those mild summer days. Great for after water adventures too.
Skhoop Outdoor Skort
This is a bit of a heavier weight skort, but it is incredibly durable which means it can put up with some great adventures! I always size up in Skhoop skirts becasue they have a side zip, so I recommend doing the same for this one.
Winnow Woven Skirt
Lightweight, easily packable, and longer length. Perfect for camping, hiking, and throwing on after a river float.
Dresses for Hiking, Traveling and Adventuring
Road Trip Midi Dress
I looked at this dress again and again wondering if it would actually fit me well and finally made the plunge. I am SO glad I did as it has quickly turned into my favorite everything dress. It has good length (not too short, not too long), is super lightweight and airy and has some fun configurations. My only complaint – if it’s tied up like the photos below, the pockets are gone. Dries quickly so perfect for wearing for a hike to the lake and then after jumping in.
Adventurista Dress
Again, this dress was a total whim as I looked for something light and comfortable to beat the heat. I sized up in this one for a bit more room and it is so, so comfortable. I get compliments on it every time I wear it. I also like that it’s light enough that long sleeves keep me protected from the sun, but don’t make me overheat.
Scout Overall Jumper Dress
I’m sort of thrilled that overalls are back in style. They were my favorite in high school and college….and now I get to happily don them as a mom of five. My seven year old has been begging for her own overalls too ;).
Best sun shirts for summer
Sunbuster 2.0 Full Zip
Soft fabric and styles for everyone, these are great shirts to beat the sun with UPF 50 protection. Use as a swim cover-up, out in the garden or watching your kids sports. Title Nine Sunbuster shirts are also equipped with their Stinkstopper technology to keep you sunburn and stink free all day long, wherever the day takes you.
Size up if you want a looser fit, stick with your usual size for a fitted look. I typically wear a small shirt, but went with the medium in the Sunbuster 2.0 Full Zip Hoodie Sun Shirt for a looser fitting top… fits perfect.
Sunbuster Long Sleeve 1/4 Zip
This one is a lot lighter and “silkier” than the full zip Sunbuster and, in my opinion, is the best lightweight long sleeve hiking shirt. I comfortably wear for not only hiking, but boating and just adventuring too.
Helly Hanson Lifa Active Solen Hoodie
While the Solen is slightly thicker than the Sunbuster above, I do like that it has a great hood.
Best hiking jackets for women
Skhoop Ylva Zip Hood
The prefect summer weight, I LOVE this hoodie from Skhoop. Not only are the fabric choices cute, but it is silky smooth, has great pockets and is lightweight. It’s a great lightweight jacket for hiking or playing outside.
Helly Hanson Verglas Infinity Jacket
For those cold and wet summer days, the Verglas Infinity is fantastic hiking jacket for cold weather. It fits well, is fully waterproof and has an amazing hood. I recommend sizing up since there is no stretch.
The One Jacket
Like a bit more stretch in your shell? The One by Kuhl not only has that, but also isn’t loud and “crinkly” like most hard shells. Totally waterproof AND breathable, it’s a perfect lightweight waterproof hiking jacket for women that works for three seasons.
Best Shorts for Summer
I’m just going to preface this section by saying I’m not a fan of shorts. So….if I actually recommend them, you know they gotta be good! You can also chalk these up as the best hiking shorts for big thighs, since, for better or worse, that’s my blessing/curse!
Clamber Shorts
I was super duper skeptical of these shorts, but they have become my absolute favorite for hiking especially. They stay put, have great stretch, and don’t chafe at all. Even better, they are extremely durable so can totally handle sliding on my bum to get down steep inclines and lots of dirt and rocks. I prefer the 13″ length for coverage.
Prana Electa Shorts
Want to wear hiking skirts, but not a fan of the chafe? These are the perfect option that stay in place, come with pockets and keep you comfortable.
Gone Wild Rye Mountain Bike Shorts
These are great all-around shorts if you like them long, which is perfect for biking. They fit really well (even curvy bodies), have good stretch, are quick-dry, and are cute!
Best Pants for Summer
Like the shorts above, pants and I don’t get along incredibly great. So, these are specially chosen as ones I can safely recommend. Most of them also come in a wider range of sizes and lengths.
Clamberista Joggers
I was so worried these would be too long for my 5’3″ height, but the cinch at the ankle helps them work for any height. Like the shorts above, they are very durable, comfortable and great hiking pants. The Clamberista doesn’t have a zip and button at the waist, which I really like.
Kuhl Trekr Kapri
These capris actually come in pants too (in lengths!) and are available in sizes 0-16, which I think is great. They are perfect for hiking, have some good stretch and durability and cinchable side seams.
Splash Roll-Up Pant
Great pockets, great weight, available in a wide variety of lengths and sizes. Win, win, win!
Accessories for Outdoor Women
This summer I am all about sun protection….even more than I ever was in the past. I’m loving big hats that truly shade and options for keeping bugs at bay without lots of sprays.
Buff CoolNet UV+Insect Shield
Protect your neck from the sun and keep insects away with this buff. I love the neutral color of it, but there are a ton of other color options too!
Wallaroo Scrunchie Hat
I have heard of Wallaroo hats for years, but never had one for myself until now. And I LOVE them for anything I don’t need a chin strap for. It is floopy, travels well (mine often ends up totally balled up), and has the best shade of any have I have ever worn. Our family loves Wallaroo hats!
Sunday Afternoons Shade Goddess Hat
Fantastic coverage and with a chin strap too for hiking and rafting. This is the best hiking women’s hiking hat, in my opinion.
Best shoes for outdoor women
Merrell Hyrdo Mocs
Move over Crocs, the Hydro Mocs are here and they are AWESOME. Our whole family has them and they are the shoe thrown on the most. They have great support so work well for walking and light hikes.
Chaco Chillos Slides
I LOVE these slides. They adjust easier than birkenstocks, have the great standard Chaco support, and have a super soft footbed.
Merrell Moab 2 Ventilator
My favorite thing about these hiking shoes is their comfort AND traction. I have tested them on all sorts of trails and they outperform all other shoes. When I am holding packs full of kids or helping kids down the trail, traction is so crucial. They also come in wide widths.
Related posts
- Best hiking pants for curvy women
- Skorts from Title Nine perfect for moms
- All our Outdoor Women posts
Best hiking clothing for women 2021
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